Photography and Why You May Want a Digital SLR Camera
If your just beginning to take your photography a bit more serious and maybe want to try your hand at making some money with your photography, you will want to look into getting a digital slr camera. SLR stands for single lens reflex, so you add the digital and you have the d-slr camera. D-slr cameras can cost quite a bit more than a top line point and click camera, but if you are wanting to become the more serious photographer this will be one of the best investments that you will make. The second investment that you can make is taken the time to understand your camera completely. You would be amazed on what you can learn about photography by knowing how to use your camera. You see the beauty of the digital slr is that you have the artistic control of the traditional slr and the convenience of digital files. When you use interchangeable lens you have the choice of both manual and automatic settings. This makes it easy to play around with the camera and see what is best for you and wha...