
Photography Books - Enjoy Capturing the Best Images

Informative and valuable books have been the best friends, for forever. Book plays the important role of guide and teacher, which entertains and enlightens the readers from time to time. As per the interest of the reader, he or she can opt for desired books. The market is flooded with various books ranging from fiction and non-fiction to romance, adventure and action to photography. These specialised books enhance the knowledge of the users in their field of interest. Therefore, it can be said that these informational books fill up the mind with innovative ideas. Photography Books, as the name specifies are meant for the people who are looking to improve their photography skills. These books not only explain the 'technical' information about how camera works but they also stress on the setting/things which need to be done for a perfect image. "The digital photography" by Scott Kelby is one of the best selling book in this domain. The best photography book is the o...

Photography Lighting - How to Use Artificial Lighting in a Photo

Photography is an art. People spend hours in museums and galleries analyzing a photograph looking for a hidden meaning. Like paintings, photographs also have a message; sometimes it will create sadness or happiness, a carefree attitude, or calm mood. The range is broad. There are many techniques a new photographer can learn to produce emotions they like to create. One technique is using artificial or studio lighting. Artificial or studio source may not be as fun and easy as natural light, but once you know certain techniques you can create some magnificent photographs. Tungsten bulbs and portable flash units are most often used by professional photographers in a studio environment. Tungsten bulbs are nicknamed "hot lights" because of the high temperature they cause. A tungsten bulb will create more red and lower the blue. In other words tungsten produces warmer colors. Flash units are able to capture or freeze the action due to their high flash speed. Creating effects Most st...

Pan Asian Art Collections - Pictorial Art and Photography Book Review

Throughout human history mankind has celebrated the beauty of the body, the sensation of love making and fertility. In some cultures there are gods of fertility, others call it a miracle from god, but all were fascinated by this seemingly magical event, with all of its sensuality, passion and emotion. Perhaps, this was best described in humankind's history by its art and verse. Now then, let's discuss the Asian arts, specifically Pan Asian arts of sensuality, sexuality and passion, elements of the divine, magic and intrigue. Indeed, no book has better explained the universal truth of past periods and their emotional connection than a art pictorial book, which I have on my shelf. One which I bought after the Pan Asian exhibit; "The Sensuous Immortals" and to that note, let me recommend that you pick one up to read, educate yourself and entertain friends and family by displaying the copy in your own family room: "The Sensuous Immortals - a Selection of the Pan Asia...

Making Movies With Your Digital Camera

Even if you did not get a cam corder for the holidays you can still have holiday movies. If you have a digital camera and a computer you can create some great home movies. I have the windows vista and this is what program I use to make the movies. I'm not sure if all computers have the same program but I would think that they have a program that is similar. What you have to do is to go into programs and pull up the windows photo gallery. Once you are there you will see a black bar that runs across the top of the page. Within this bar you will see where it says make a movie. My computer has a auto-movie feature but I'm not sure if all programs do so we will use the manual way. So you hit make a movie and then it will open in another window. On the left side of the page you will see tasks, here you will want go to import and then pictures. This will open up your files. I keep mine under desk top then pictures and keep them filed by the date. Once you are here then double click on...

Photography and Why You May Want a Digital SLR Camera

If your just beginning to take your photography a bit more serious and maybe want to try your hand at making some money with your photography, you will want to look into getting a digital slr camera. SLR stands for single lens reflex, so you add the digital and you have the d-slr camera. D-slr cameras can cost quite a bit more than a top line point and click camera, but if you are wanting to become the more serious photographer this will be one of the best investments that you will make. The second investment that you can make is taken the time to understand your camera completely. You would be amazed on what you can learn about photography by knowing how to use your camera. You see the beauty of the digital slr is that you have the artistic control of the traditional slr and the convenience of digital files. When you use interchangeable lens you have the choice of both manual and automatic settings. This makes it easy to play around with the camera and see what is best for you and wha...

Photography Information About Street Photography

Now I have some photography information that is about street photography. What is street photography? I can tell you that it is not about taken pictures of the streets. Actually street photography has nothing to do with the street. This just a term that stuck with people. It would be better to describe street photography as moment photography, photos that are taken in the moment without any prep. You could also describe it as social photography, the way that people interact with others. It is about our human society,shared moments, and our environments. It is photos of people in their own habitat. Different photographers will focus on different things. Some street photographers try to capture funny moments and others will capture people. You can take pictures of the daily lives of people. This can be from the homeless person all the way up to high society. The main thing here is that you can shoot what you want. You will want to try and capture real everyday life. You can shoot people ...